Two Comics by Diane Zhou

Paradise Systems


Two comics by Diane Zhou, both published by Paradise System


About ONLY (26 pages, 7 x 10 inches, 4-color riso, ISBN 9781951078072): "In Diane Zhou's brilliant riso comic, the last Asian girl left on earth searches and yearns for her missing kin, and comes to a crossroads. Zhou's delirious and piercing visual storytelling evokes cultural memories that teeter between the familiar and the surreal, the hilarious and the heart breaking."

About Ellipsis (24 pages, 6 x 8.5 inches, color offset, ISBN 9780998905068): "Following a Chinese egg farmer who becomes a goddess when struck through the head by a piece of hail, Ellipsis is a contemporary fable by Brooklyn-based cartoonist Diane Zhou. The story and page layouts of this comic were inspired by the characters generated when Zhou used an Optical Character Recognition program to interpret family photos.

"[Zhou] goes above and beyond with ambitious page layouts on top of her dazzling use of color." - The Comics Journal

Diane Zhou lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. She is a painter and comic artist who revels in the "inauthentic" space of Diasporic Chinese/American culture using cuteness, disgust, and broken language.

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