Biddy Boys 1972 - Homer Sykes

Cafe Royal Books


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Biddy Boys 1972 by Homer Sykes / 36 pages, 5.5 x 8 inches, staple-bound, published by Cafe Royal Books


The photographer says:

I have been documenting Britain for 50 years. I stopped shooting commissions some years ago, and now shoot only stuff that interests me. Mostly I spend too much time managing my extensive archive of around 20 thousand carefully edited, captioned and key worded content rich images.

My principal commissions in Britain during the 1970's - 1980's, were for the ‘weekend colour supplements’, such as The Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Observer, You and the Sunday Express magazines. I covered weekly news for Newsweek, Time, and the former Now! Magazine; covering conflicts in Israel, Lebanon, and Northern Ireland, as well as weekly news in the UK. I have always worked on personal photographic documentary projects along side commercial magazine assignments. In the 1970's I started on what has become an on going career project documenting traditional British folklore customs and annual events.

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