Matriochka - Fanette Mellier

Editions du Livre


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Matriochka by Fanette Mellier / ISBN 9791090475298 / published by Editions du Livre / 32 pages, 2.5 x 3.38 inches (tiny!!!), 6-color pantone printing and gold hot foil stamping / hardback with debossed canvas cover

This publisher makes gorgeous books and I love having them available at 50 Watts.


Matriochka is a small book that tells a very short, but very intricate story. 16 Russian dolls shrink from page to page, the last one measuring only a few millimeters high. Fanette Mellier invites us to explore this multicolored family in microscopic detail. Observed under a magnifying glass, the ordinarily imperceptible details of the printing become the motifs that cover the tiny figurines. This book, in which hot gilding skips a generation, speaks of singularity and transmission.

About the publisher: "Éditions du livre is an independent publishing house that brings out artist books for children. The poetics inherent to the manipulation of the book as an object resonates with its content. The shape of the book is its substance."

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