Haunting & Unsettling
Ghost stories, weird fiction, macabre fantasias, European decadence. See collections for the British Library's Tales of the Weird series and for Broodcomb Press

Penguin Weird Fiction
Ancient Sorceries - The Adventures of John Silence - Algernon Blackwood

Lanternfish Press
The Afterlife of Frankenstein - A Century of Mad Science, Automata, and Monsters Inspired by Mary Shelley

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British Library Tales of the Weird
The Ways of Ghosts and Other Dark Tales by Ambrose Bierce

British Library Tales of the Weird
Roarings from Further Out - Four Weird Novellas by Algernon Blackwood

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British Library Tales of the Weird
Shadows on the Wall - Dark Tales by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman

British Library Tales of the Weird
I Am Stone - The Gothic Weird Tales of R. Murray Gilchrist