Vuzz - Philippe Druillet

Titan Comics


Vuzz by Philippe Druillet / ISBN 9781785866654/ Titan Comics hardcover reprint published 2022 / 144 pages, 9.63 x 12.75 inches


The next incredible installment in the library of award winning master comics creator Philippe Druillet

Vuzz is a warrior. A looter who has simple needs in life: to fight, to eat and to make love. Vuzz lives in a world where ruined cities are home to zombies, giant rabbits, and salacious wizards. A world where everything is desolation and uncertainties. A world where Vuzz can ultimately only count on himself. Which suits him just fine…

Featured in stunning black and white, this story is deliberately offbeat and almost humorous; utilizing a stripped-down narration and minimalist illustrations. In the works of Philippe Druillet, Vuzz is a character like no other!

Philippe Druillet is a comics artist and writer, known for his innovative approach to visual design. In the US, he's best known for his graphic adaptation of Michael Moorcock's hit fantasy series, Elric, the Return to Melnibone, and his work for Heavy Metal, such as City of Flowers.

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