Bloom - Julie Safirstein

Editions du Livre


Bloom by Julie Safirstein / ISBN 9791090475212 / published by Editions du Livre, who specialize in "artist books for children" / 10-page, 360-degree pop-up book, 5.5 x 5.5 inches, 5-color Pantone printing


Bloom is a book in the round whose pages open like petals, revealing a delicate bouquet of flowers. Open Julie Safirstein’s work and enter a poetic garden full of colours both bright and pastel, overlays… This pop-up book full of folds appeals to the one’s sense of play and imagination.

About the publisher: "Éditions du livre is an independent publishing house that brings out artist books for children. The poetics inherent to the manipulation of the book as an object resonates with its content. The shape of the book is its substance."

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