Brian Eno - Visual Music - Christopher Scoates

Chronicle Books

$25.95 $27.50

Brian Eno: Visual Music by Christopher Scoates / ISBN 9781452169361 / 420-page paperback with flaps from Chronicle Books


"For more than 40 years Brian Eno 'has explored the complex relationship between light and sound, ' Christopher Scoates writes in Brian Eno: Visual Music, a beautifully designed analysis of how Eno became 'completely enveloped in new and unorthodox ways of thinking about the world, visual ideas and music.' This is a catalog of awesome accomplishments, in which we see how Eno's 'parallel practices have often informed each other.'"--New York Times Book Review

Visual Music is a one-of-a-kind guided tour through the visual art of creative polymath Brian Eno. Featuring more than 300 images of Eno's installation, light, and video artwork, this exquisite volume is the definitive monograph of a contemporary master. In addition to page after page of full-color art, Visual Music features Eno's personal notebook pages, his essay "Perfume, Defense, and David Bowie's Wedding," an interview with the artist, scholarly essays, and an original-for-the-book piece of free downloadable music. We're frequently asked to bring this book back into print and here it is now for the first time in a deluxe paperback edition.

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