Bruno Munari - Obvious Code

Roma Publications


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Bruno Munari - Obvious Code (The Serving Library Annual 2019-2020) / ISBN 9789492811653 / 144-page paperback, 8.25 x 11.75 inches, from Roma Publications (NL)


This issue of The Serving Library is devoted to the Italian designer, artist, and inventor Bruno Munari, whose visual experiments were so iconic as to become a self-evident part of visual culture. At its core is the first English translation of ‘Obvious Code’ (1971), a collection of Munari’s own writings, sketches, and poems about his work. It includes iconic design objects such as the Abitacolo, groundbreaking artworks like his series of handmade projection slides, obscure rhymes about the art market, and an original piece from his “unreadable books” series. Dozens of artists, designers, writers, and curators were invited to annotate Munari’s texts as a testament to the depth of his influence on international art.

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