Ed Emberley - Todd Oldham and Caleb Neelon

AMMO Books

$24.95 $45.00

Ed Emberley by Todd Oldham and Caleb Neelon / ISBN 9781623260385 / A big 12 x 9 hardcover, 288 pages, from Ammo Books. Includes some great spreads from The Wizard of Op. Discounted title but like new.


Ed Emberley shies away from calling himself an artist and instead likes to say that "he draws pictures for a living." Now in his eighties, Ed Emberley is a Caldecott award-winning children's book illustrator and writer who has been creating original books since the 1960s. He has written and illustrated more than 100 books and is perhaps best known for his beloved how-to-draw books for kids such as: Ed Emberley's Big Green Drawing Book, Ed Emberley's Drawing Book of Faces, and Ed Emberley's Great Thumbprint Drawing Book, and many others.

These simple and straightforward books, first published in the 1970s, have encouraged a generation of kids to take the drawing process step by step. Contemporary working artists today often cite Ed Emberley as a beloved early inspiration in their development as artists. By encouraging kids to draw using just a few simple shapes, Emberley has made drawing and creating accessible to everyone. As Emberley likes to say, "Not everyone needs to be an artist, but everyone needs to feel good about themselves."

This definitive monograph on the wide repertoire of Emberley's life's work has been beautifully put together by Todd Oldham and Caleb Neelon. Highlighting work spanning more than five decades, this gorgeous and comprehensive book celebrates the talented and prolific life of Ed Emberley.

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