Grimm's Household Tales - Mervyn Peake (illustrator)

British Library

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Grimm's Household Tales, illustrated by Mervyn Peake / ISBN 9780712358583 / a 2012 reprint of a 1946 book, published by the British Library / 303-page hardcover, black-and-white drawings throughout, with some color images at the beginning / discounted copies but close to like new with light wear only


This new edition of Peake's illustrated Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm was originally published in 1946 and this is the first time it has been made available since then with the original color illustrations. Like the Grimms' stories, Peake's illustrations combine the comic and the sinister and evoke a strong sense of childhood fear and humor. Stories by Grimm remain popular to this day, and as well as some of the best-loved stories such as Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, and Cinderella, this book includes a number of less familiar tales. The beautiful new edition will be welcomed by Peake fans and children alike.

Mervyn Peake (1911–1968) was a prolific writer and artist. He is best known as the author of the Gormenghast trilogy, but he was also an extremely talented illustrator, producing illustrations to his own works as well as numerous other books, including Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Hunting the Snark, and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

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