Women Protest 1981-1991 - Jenny Matthews

Cafe Royal Books


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Women Protest 1981-1991 by Jenny Matthews / 36 pages, 5.5 x 8 inches, staple-bound, published by Cafe Royal Books


The photographer says:

Most of the decade covered here was under the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister (1979-1990). The policies she oversaw — privatisation of state owned enterprises (including British Telecom, water, tv, gas, electricity, British Airways, and British Steel) , the sale of public housing to tenants, and cuts to education and health gave us plenty to protest about and had repercussions on the lives of everyone, added to which were the 1984 Miners Strike and the 1989 Poll Tax bill.

Women played a pivotal role in all these but above all it was the peace and anti nuclear movement which was headed and energised by women, from CND actions and demonstrations to Greenham Common, the war in the Falklands (Malvinas) and the Gulf War. At the same time women were also challenging a sexist culture and inequality in the workplace.

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