Panorama - Fanette Mellier

Editions du Livre


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Panorama by Fanette Mellier / ISBN 9791090475311 / published by Editions du Livre / 48 pages, 7.2 x 10.25 inches, 4-color printing + 4-color Pantone printing / hardback with foil printing

This publisher makes gorgeous books and I love having them available at 50 Watts Books.


Panorama is the contemplation of a single landscape printed 24 times, once for each hour of the day. Page after page, the changing colours reveal the passing of the hours and the little miracles that are part of any given day in a life. On this particular day, the gentle warmth of a spring afternoon gradually gives way to the evening’s nocturnal frost; nature awakens and eventually drifts back to sleep. There is an element of child’s play in the observation of changes in the details from one page to the next: the cabin, the clock, the cat, the ball, the firefly… and the list goes on! Fanette Mellier’s Panorama is a world in which layers of ink reveal a subtle yet intricate spring day.

About the publisher: "Éditions du livre is an independent publishing house that brings out artist books for children. The poetics inherent to the manipulation of the book as an object resonates with its content. The shape of the book is its substance."

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