Astrology - The Library of Esoterica - Jessica Hundley



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Astrology: The Library of Esoterica by Jessica Hundley / ISBN 9783836579889 / a 520-page hardcover from Taschen


Edited by Jessica Hundley, this vibrant visual history of Western astrology is the first ever compendium of its kind, exploring the symbolic meaning behind more than 400 images, from Egyptian temples and illuminated manuscripts to contemporary art from across the globe. Works by artists from Alphonese Mucha and Hilma af Klint to Arpita Singh and Manzel Bowman are sequenced to mirror the spin of the planets and the wheel of the zodiac. With a foreword by legendary astrologer Susan Miller and wisdom from new interviews with astrologers like Robert Hand, Jessica Lanyadoo, and Mecca Woods, Astrology celebrates the stars and their mysterious influence on our everyday lives.

Looking to the sky, the second volume in Taschen’s Library of Esoterica series delves into the vibrant visual history of Western astrology.

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